About us

The Bracket™ expeditiously delivers to an issuer their critical market trading data via the issuer’s dedicated login, which helps bridge the gap between their market trading activity and actionable solutions.

The Bracket™ is powered by Generation IACP Inc., a Canadian Investment Dealer, whose team of professional traders specializes in detecting anomalous patterns in an issuer’s market trading activity and communicating with the issuer.

Using proprietary technology and analytics to monitor an issuer’s trading activity, our team can establish the identity of market participants that are trading anonymously while engaging in unusual activity, such as aggressive selling or short selling, prohibited trading tactics, and accumulation of stock for shareholder activism or corporate acquisition, among other things.

Our trading desk communicates regularly with the issuer to highlight anomalous activity and provide market context necessary to inform the issuer.

Generation IACP, established in 1998, is a Member of CIRO and all Canadian Stock Exchanges.